Jail terms, fines aimed at graffiti vandals - April 17, 2008

The Age - April 17, 2008

Graffiti vandals will face up to two years' jail and thousands of dollars in fines under new Victorian laws.
The regulations come into force today, also giving more powers to police to catch offenders.
Police Minister Bob Cameron said graffiti vandals charged under the tough new laws could be imprisoned for up to two years and face a fine of more than $26,000.

The laws will enable police to issue on-the-spot fines of $550 to anyone carrying spray paint cans if they cannot prove the paint is for work-related purposes.

The laws also grant police the power to search individuals over the age of 14 suspected of carrying any graffiti-related implement.

Mr Cameron said he hoped the new laws would act as a deterrent, sending a strong message to graffiti vandals. "If people want to be graffitists, they'll think twice", he said.

The laws form part of the Brumby Government's anti-graffiti plan, which aims to tackle problem graffiti across Victoria.

Victoria Police Superintendent Kevin Sheridan, who was present at this morning's announcement, welcomed the new laws and said they would help police tackle the problem of graffiti.

Superintendent Sheridan said police did not make a distinction between artistic graffiti and other forms of graffiti, such as tagging, saying it all constituted vandalism and was therefore illegal.

In addition to the new laws, the Brumby Government have announced the addition of six new graffiti clean-up trailers to the graffiti clean-up partnership with Corrections Victoria.
A member of Corrections Victoria's crew said the process of removing graffiti was both time consuming and labour intensive.

"Yellow paint and particular types of black paint are the hardest to get rid of, and can take up to several days to remove," he said.

While the new strategy has been praised by police, street artists have reacted angrily.

Andrew McDonald, founder of Melbourne's Citylights project, a public art project dedicated to displaying street art, is dubious about the new laws. He said they would do little to address the root of the problem.
"I don't think the Government will get the response they want from these changes," he said.

"Graffiti is already illegal. Making it more illegal will not change a thing,'' he said.

According to Mr McDonald, the new laws are likely to increase - instead of reduce - the rate of graffiti.
"When you make the penalties heavier, you'll get graffiti artists who get the work done faster,'' he said.

Mr McDonald said the Government needed to view graffiti as a symptom of a broader social issue.

"Today's youth have very little on offer in the way of recreational facilities," he said.
"More money needs to be invested into addressing vandalism as a symptom of a much deeper problem," he said.

The campaign will involve radio advertisements and large public outdoor advertisements.
