Pics from Kaben

Big thanks to Kaben for his donations
cheers mate
more to come


  1. Them top photos of the acee . If you look at the background Behind the acee there seem to be so many tags . Something that you don't get in photo shoots of pieces any more just shows the new gen of how many people use to bomb the fuck out of trains.. Love it

    1. No, what really shows is how hardly anyone bothered with a decent background back then... except of course, the few kings that did full productions. A little red band around your piece wouldn't cut it theses days...

      Besides, bombing around pieces was the bane of many a good writer, so I'm sure it's trend that won't be missed.

      True what you say about train bombing though ...we'll probably never see the level that was reached during 80s again

      Dope flicks by the way - keep em coming Kaben!

  2. It was pretty rare back then to find a clean space on a wall near a train line anywhere.

  3. AC crew ruled the trains with an iron fist for a few years they had the best bombing power I ever saw masters of there the trains ... P.S. I got told back in the day that one of the writers in that crew derailed a train

    1. I would have 2 say there were a few old writers that derailed trains. And a few other crazy destructive things. ALL CITY bombing power for sure from 87-90

  4. little red band. 3 or 4 colours and done in a short amount of time. . who cares it was still up for the travellers to see! ac pretty much saturated most lines as documented.

  5. Ac did more advertising in Melbourne than what the cocacola company did

  6. Yeah yeah hahahahaheee great line above

  7. Why did AC stop? I remember someone trying to start it back up again in 91-92 and being to let it go and stop.

  8. It stopped because trains got buffed super quik & Graffitti stopped most writers became junkies , Harding crimes , started family's that failed , or are dead .. Only a few writers keep the movement going but now days ever body seems to be doing it again " because it's cool man" funny how all the posers doing it now on the Internet get so much attention but did jack shit back in the day

  9. Once you go all city and then you can't go all city again due to measures put in place it loses it's interest the fun is never the same how true to above all the Internet posers that did fuck all back then


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